Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It wasn't the end after all...

She was waiting at the coffee shop. People walking, talking, clicking photos, celebrating someone's birthday...she had a date. It had been quite some time, that she had not made an effort to actually go out and impress someone. She was never the kind of person who did that, actually! She used to like a guy, and wait...wait till HE came and approached her. She was 21 now. As she took the first sip of cappuccino, her mind wandered back to the time...when she was 15...her first crush...her first date....the feeling of being 'committed'...for the first time.

It all seemed a bit blurred now.But, she remembered a few things...she always recollected them...whenever, wherever possible...those memories still bought a smile to her face, albeit it was reduced from the teeny blushy grin to a lady-like poised smile. She tried to rewind- the uniforms, her first cellphone, the first exchange of glances, Y! messenger...and as time passed by, they became daily chat buddies. So much so that, they even had fixed timings to come online. She knew everything about him...yet liked him..as he was. Accepted him..just like that. As the wind blew, she slid back the few strands of hair that covered her face, reminding how he had done the same...once. He liked coffee. Does he still do? 'coz she had never liked it!
So many memories. silly teenage love. Yet, even after all these years, unknowingly, all she looked out for in every man she met, was his face. Had he changed now? He did look better with the rugged look. It all started like a fairytale...unexpected, breezy and everything seemed perfect! It didn't last long though...few days? a week probably? She wondered what went wrong...but then, not of any use analyzing it now..was it? Her friends used to initially listen to her, when she cried, missed him..wanted to talk to him..but as days passed by, she realized that it had started annoying them too. They said, he cheated on her. Did he? She never got the answer. Now, she didn't have anyone to ask to, as no one ever stayed in touch. Neither those friends, nor did he. She looked at her hands...he always said that, hers were baby soft...still was! She removed her ipad and logged onto Facebook. She wanted to visit his profile. But, something stopped her and she closed the browser. She used to, at time, try the last number she had contacted him on, but it didn't exist any more. It had been the same story, everyday. Every time, she was not in a party...not busy with a project or assignments, didn't have a novel to read or had just seen a romantic movie..for the past 6 years. She never cried these days thinking about it...she had stopped that long ago, when he walked out of her life. But, she wondered if anything would be the same again. Would she like it, if everything became like it was. Maybe no, she was so used to this routine, that it had become a habit.
She wondered how many girls he had been with over the past few years...did he ever think about her? Atleast on her birthday night? Had he fallen in love for real with someone? What would she do if she saw him now, with his girlfriend. She knew she couldn't forgive him...neither could she forget him. As much as she tried, she didn't want to. She tried diverting her attention to the little toddler pulling her kurti. She bent down to play with it, when she heard a heavy, manly voice, "Abhilasha Banerjee?"
She turned around and looked at his face, a well-built guy with a goatee. And, that voice!!
Perhaps it wasn't the end after all...

Image courtesy: Google
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