Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Being a girl-1

It was one of those days in class, when the teacher was taking rounds to see how many students had brought their notebooks. (God alone knows, what struck him that day, to do so!) For the boys, it was a whack and for the girls, it was just a "don't do it again look". I was one amongst, the girls who did not have their book! And, just as we heard, the boy behind us shouting "Ouch!", one of my friends whispered-"Aren't we lucky to be a girl? Soo many advantages naa? for example this one!" The teacher was anyways on a "whacking session", so I let my mind wander off, and started wondering how is it actually to be a girl...!!

I rewind to the time of my birth, my dad would have been the most happiest person on planet earth! He wanted a girl, and there I was smiling, with huge eyes!! My dad till date, becomes emotional when he speaks about it, and believe me...you feel extremely happy that atleast someone is happy that you were born! As far as mum was concerned, I was her "doll" apparently! She used to love dressing me up...! I guess, this "make up-ing" habit, is hereditary in girls! (We usually, dont prefer to be the one, "making-up" though!)

I don't remember too much about my childhood...But I guess, all the above holds true for most the girls, no matter how old they grow, aint it?
Okay, fast forwarding a li'l more, I remember the first time I got a doll..though I wasn't too fond of pinky-toys, I had just one doll (not Barbie, for sure!) and a soft toy...which were my favorite...I din't need anything else....!!
Later, came the kitchen set...

And then few years later...something which still holds on to me...
I vividly remember those days...When I was about 7-9 years old...the "dupatta" that we used to wear, with salwaar-kameez became one of my most preferred and favorite "toy". I used to love wrapping it around me, sometimes like a saree, used to love it when it used to fly in the air (just like Bollywood films!!). I used to love it even more when it used to fall over my face, and then gently glide down...!!! :)

Then we entered secondary section. We had grown up...atleast from what we were...started using a PEN for the first time!! I know, it sounds silly, but I still remember the first day of 5th std., when used a blue gel pen for the first time...and it leaked...spoiling the entire FIRST PAGE of my new notebook!:(
6 and 7th std. too passed by and I don't even remember much of it.

8th std. bought about many changes....Physical, emotional and biological...First crush...Friendship with seniors...Partcipation in more events, than before! Formation of "girl gangs"....Getting to know people, who I did not know even existed! Birthday party's venue changed from home to McDonalds...!!!
First vibes of "As a grown-up girl, you should/should not..."

Those days, I never understood why...but later on....things changed!! even more than I expected and wanted 'em too...

(to be continued)


  1. sahi hian...!!!!
    kuch bi bol...!! boys hav more advantages than girls..>!!!

  2. nice....u just wrote all in my mind too

  3. Good Writing!!
    LOVE You baby!!

    Your Dad..

  4. Love the way you penned it... I don't have words to express my feelings.. I came here via BlogJunta FB Page.. Thanks for the smiles..

    Someone is Special

  5. the dupatta-sarree-on ur face glidin down .....is "THE LINE" of ur paraphrase!!!
    it depicts filminess...that belongs only n only to u!!

  6. @Someone is special: I am glad you liked it..thnku soo much!! :D

    @Sneha: LOL! yeah yeah! "filmi-ness!!" B)


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