Monday, December 27, 2010

Nothing is complex!

I remember my first day of 11th standard, as a SCIENCE student! Just out of school, gearing up and all excited for a new start-College!! yippeeee!

The first sir enters the class.
Math Sir: Good morning students! I am going to take maths for you all.

Me (to myself): Aiyyoo!! No no! I hate math! It is difficult. 
That subject screwed up my 10th marks also. I hate it! I don't wanna start my 11th with it!! plllleeeeaassseee!!

Math Sir starts discussing the portion, paper pattern etc.! 

Me (to myself): Shit shit!! diz sux big time!! bborrrriinnnggg! I knew I wouldn't like it!

Math Sir: Okay, so now we start with the first topic of 11th std. (pauses).


Math Sir: Complex numbers.

Me: Whhaaaattt!! "Complex numbers!" ...Is he kidding? Can't he start with something easy? We are beginners, not some pro!! Wtf! 

Math Sir starts the chapter and I am left with no other option but to remove a book and pen and start alongwith him! Duh!

I browse through the pages of the chapter and find some alphabets, some square-roots and loads of "exercises"...He starts with the introduction, moves on to formulae and then to sums! And, I sit there, all the while looking at him and remembering- Math is JUST NOT my cup of tea! 

Sir starts the chapter, I realize my cribbing isn't going to help...I would rather try to follow the concept and learn what is being taught.
The chapter starts, it gets over, days pass...I practice it at home as it was in the portion for my sems.

Exams are over. Results are out and I realize that I've done well, really well in Math! Especially, the section wid COMPLEX numbers in it! Infact, my maths score was better than all other subjects! No, I am not boasting about my "newly-acquired Math skills", I was juz projecting out the "attitude".

Doesn't it happen with all of us, sometime or the other? We often go by superficial view, and create impressions. About many things!

LIFE, too! I had a friend (who is still a friend, but not in touch!). Anything and everything that happend in class, good or bad, in her personal life, any problem, her attitude and approach was that- all the bad things in the world are fated for her! Her this approach used to, sometimes spoil all our moods!

Each coin has two sides.Agreed! That doesn't mean that you constantly have to emphasize on the negative side. 

Life isn't about being negative! It is a simple funda- Your life, you do what you like to do! At the age where you can't move your limbs, when you look back, you must not regret of the chances that you didn't take! Dying with a regret, is the worst punishment one can give himself! 

The reason why you shouldn't be negative is 'coz life isn't complex too! (Solving the chapter with regards to -ve numbers were difficult! trust me!)
When things are complex, you don't have a solution, that is when you get over-hyper and act pessimistic. But, when every problem in LIFE has a solution, tomorrow even if you fall in a mess, you WILL make a way out! Then why worry? Why not rather take risks and learn the lesson?!
And as far as results of "taking risks" and coming out successful are concerned, they are very sweet! very very sweet!

Our life isn't complex  because:
  • At this stage, we don't have the responsibilty of raising a family(Bills, children, handling a house is more difficult than studies, for sure!).
  • Our parents and friends are still with us.
  • We do not need to worry about bills!
  • We get all that we need. (I won't use the word "WANT")
  • We don't need to "earn" money yet.
  • The only things that are irritating are studies! And ironically, that is the only thing we got to do!
  • Things HAVE changed, but not to an extent that they can't be mended.
With soo many positive points, I don't really find a reason to be pessimistic!

P.S.: This post is mainly for those students, who think like my "not-in-touch friend"!
And, all the parents or adults reading this, your lives are difficult, I know. But still, NOT complex!

Life is too short to wake up with regrets, everything happens for a reason! Forgive quickly! If there is a second chance, grab it. If it changes your life, let it! No one said life would be easy, but you can be assured that it would be worth it!

Nothing is complex, neither numbers, nor LIFE!

Infact, Math is now, one amongst my "liked" subjects! :)

Wishing y'all a very happy, fresh and awesome 2011! Enjoy!


Reverting into the past...

Often when we become very excited, we don't know how to react...
It was a simlilar situation, when I had been to my school after a long time!  
There soo many emotions "clouding" together! The next thing we did, was run back, 
to "OUR classroom"- where we had spent the last year of our
school life, the same old benches, blackboard! 

We just went to the benches were we used to sit and went back...went back to the time when we were
"kids"....went back to the times when we wore uniforms, plaited our hairs, went back to the 
time when we all were together... Literally together! :)

And as we recollected the incidents, I realized something.
Something that made me write this blog...

We all miss school...and that is something which one cannot deny! If not
miss, we at least compare our 'after-school life' to 'school-life', and in the
end it is always the latter one that wins!
School was hop-skip-jump for me! I never had to 'travel' to school! And
yet, used to always be late to school... I miss those late-remarks! I
remember vividly, how much we used to hate 
to tie those ribbons...usedto stuff them in our pockets and used to never tie them, unless a teacher
literally forced us to do so... I miss the things that I hated the most...the
bulky bags, pinafores, ties, canvas shoes (Wearing those socks and tying
the laces were a pain..esp. @ 7 in the morning!)
I miss all those periods that we bunked, not fearing about defaulters! P.E. periods were always fultoo time-pass...(Though I was never into sports, I
liked 'em coz they were always free!!) Nick-naming teachers, emptying water-bottles on each other a week or two before Holi, eating dabbas while lecture was going on! As girls, we used to always carry our "anywhere make-up kit"...
I miss putting kajal and asking "Spread nahi hua na?"
P.S: For us, without a mirror, all those were a feat to boast about! :P 
Playing red hands, fighting for window-seats! Phew! The list would never end!

I miss school because I miss being what I was, then!
When we cried people cared! We emoted...we spoke what we felt...and
whatever we did was genuine, from heart! No pretence...
We were with people, with whom we LIKED to be with... If our best
friends did something that we didn't like or hurt us, we told him/her, or
atleast cried/taunted, and that's it! We would then become batti!
Fights used to never last more than a day...because our world revolved around that batch of 65-70 students! We weren't into any other "relationships"...

We had no other "responsibilities".... All we had to worry was about the homework that was to be done! People got what they deserved, talents were always recognized and respected...
We didn't have to struggle 'proving' ourselves! 

Our parents never worried about their children getting into wrong company..
talking with boys wasn't a problem.
The fun we had never depended on the pocket money in our purse! 
We had nothing to even show-off! 
That was the time when we yelled to get out of school, and face the real world!

Today, when we have 'em all...we still feel something is amiss! I realized, as we grew, our egos also grew....and today we are at such a stage wherein we have become too complacent....
about maybe, everything!
Try making a list of WHAT MATTER TO YOU...and see wether there are more people in it, or things!

We have gone past the most special stage of life! Now the only way, to
keep it alive, other than memories, is by keeping the child in you alive! It is
okay to talk to yourself, trip and fall down,jump up and down when you are excited, having 
candy-bars and dropping them on your dress, rejoicing the first rain, running fast while crossing in traffic signals... 
So, next time you are bored and miss something, something that isn't yours anymore just go out, call out your buddies and do all those stuff you did as a kid!
Next time, when your friend ignores you or hurts you, tell it to him right on his face!
Maybe you might just save an old friendship from turning sour...

Express, it is no crime! We are humans after all! :)


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Acknowledge and make a difference!

13 December 2010,

I finally decided to start my own blog! It was on my mind since long, but wasn't sure if I should do it or not! 

Trying hard, to find a suitable topic, I pick up my cell and realize that I need to clear a few messages as inbox is full! Since it is already December (Mahn! this year really got over fast!), most of the messages were related to New Year-2011. As I was deleting the messages in bulk, one particular message caught my attention! It read-

"Entering the last month of 2010, send this to all those who made you happy this year.Thanks for being in my life and making me smile!"

It was sent by two of my close friends Jovita and Sonya! This message wasn't a joke, neither a shayari,  nor was it a very 'hatke' kindda message...But there was something in it, which is why I did not delete those two messages. And I dunno why, I felt happy and proud of the fact that I had made someone happy! Unknowingly! Somewhere, sometime! And what made it even more special is the fact that, they both remembered it, and "acknowledged" me for it! And, it indeed made me feel special.! :)

We all are very good human beings. Helping someone, making a crying person smile, is something that we would love to do. But doesn't it feel absolutely special and nice, when someone remembers the same, and expresses grattitude and acknowledges you?

I had once read-"Do good, help people, but don't expect anything in return". Agreed! When we help someone, it should be selfless.  But sometimes I feel, that this makes people take relations for granted! As a friend, we expect that our friend MUST help us. He MUST stand up for us when we are alone. But how many of us, really stop and do the same for them? How many of us have turned to our friend and genuienly said, "Saale, thanks yaar! Tu nahi hota toh mera kya hota!" ,instead of that, the line that comes to our mind is-"Arre usne hi bola tha, dosti mein no sorry, no thanks!"

I once had a status on Facebook-"It is not always about you helping out and supporting your frnz...At times, they too need to value you, your presence, your help.....its only then that friendshp lasts, flourishes and blooms!"

They say, in every relation, it is all about "give and take". If  you expect help, then the least you can do is acknowledge that person, his help, his presence in your life. That person too, has the right to feel special, don't they?

Life is a long journey, and it is bland without relationships. You have them all, now, it's upto you to preserve, nurture and strengthen them. Because, according to me, all relationships come with a "Handle with care" tag! You need to open your eyes and notice them.

So all you folks, reading this, pick up your cell-phone lying over there, type a "MESSAGE OF GRATTITUDE" and send it to all those people whom you never want to loose in life! Show them, that you value their presence in your life and then see, how wonderful things would be!

P.S.: Start with your mother! :) ;)
So on that note, I wrap up my first blog! Hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed typing it!
And sticking to my words, I would like to acknowledge two people who encouraged me into starting a blog: Ram Santosh and Venugopal Rajamani! Thanks a lot! :)

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